Love the intro to this post, including the link — holy crap! How did I not know this about square dancing?! Interesting points about publishing. I will take away (especially) the point about needing to believe in yourself first.

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Thanks. I know. Behind the scenes of dancing. Yikes

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For real. (And then to learn that the roots of the dance actually CAME from African Americans. Eat that, Ford!)

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this is a substack column for you.....did you have square dancing in school too?

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Jun 12·edited Jun 12Liked by Ice Cube Press, LLC

I wish more “rants” were this measured and low-key. Another great read.

I remember when I first realized that my first book wasn’t going to make a major difference in my financial life. I was talking to my sister about it, and she said, “well, just have fun with it then.” Best advice I ever got. In the end, the sales were solid, but what I loved most was the way the book helped me connect with others I might not have crossed paths with.

It’s all about reasonable expectations.

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Yes. I agree. Ha. I try hard not to get too “ranty” thanks for reading and commenting

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It’s easier to stop reading than it is to keep reading." I would find it nearly impossible to stop reading. Reading is what I do, part of what makes me..me. Reading vs eating? Many times I get so immersed in what I'm reading that I forget to eat. What? I missed lunch? Oh well, at least I went to where this story took me, and that's invaluable. Thank you for bringing the magic of the writers' words to us and managing that balancing act! 📚 💕

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Thanks. I mean it’s easy to stop reading what you find uninteresting. Reading as an activity though. Oh yeah!!! I’m addicted too

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